Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Is this happening to anyone else?

The stamp on one of the keys on my keyboard is slowly fading away.
In my case it's the 'L.' Maybe for you it's some other key that's becoming harder and harder to read, say the 'A' pad.

'A' would make sense, but 'L?' I don't consider it a high-use letter for me. Neither the Bon-lets nor Mr. Bon have 'L' in their names. I don't write much about lunatic lushes lavishly languishing their labido on lanky lovers. But maybe I should. It rarely occurs to me to pen something about, the Latino laborers in Louisianna, or even Los Angeles.

Yet, there it goes. It's very difficult to see the key when I'm typing in the dark; I don't want to scare you, but finding my homepad is a nightmare without the 'L' to anchor me.

Is it some kind of metaphor for my life? What could it mean? Maybe I'm not destined to live in a an L-shaped house. Maybe it's a warning. Perhaps I should avoid foods that begin with 'L.' On the contrary, maybe I need to ingest more lettuce ... and liquor!

Yes,that's it! Of course. The fading 'L' is a clear sign from the universe that I'm not getting enough of the red in my life. It's so obvious now, I must drink more wine.

Pitty the poor soul who's 'K' is slipping away. Would you want to increase your consumption of kohlrabi? Not that there's anything wrong with kohlrabi ...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Daily Write. Right.

All the great writers: Calvin Trillin, Anne Lamott, John Updike, Billy Collins and even Sue Monk Kidd, say the secret to their success is to sit down and write something everyday. Everyday.


Don't these people have jobs? Or kids? What about laundry and groceries? Apparently their children don't play baseball or soccer. They probably don't even have a budding, bilingual, gymnast residing in their house.

And by the way, the daily write can't happen haphazardly, or left to chance, or the whim of your muse; the daily write should occur everyday at the same time.


Lamott says that this practice coaxes "the mind into a routine." You've heard of muscle memory? Well, this concept applies to the creative process too. Apparently when you sit down at your keyboard, or your table by the window, at the same time everyday, this cues the brain to bring forth the eloquent phraseology and the witty commentary. Who knew my cerebellum had a memory?


My friends over at transcendental floss tell me when they write everyday the process gets easier; much easier. spaceneedl even says that putting the fingers to the keyboard daily "keeps his writing sharp." I agree, his writing is sharp.


As you know Dear Reader, I am a comment whore. And as you know, Dear Reader, you've stopped leaving comments. It's as if you are waiting for something fresh and new to comment upon. So write, I must. Everyday in fact.

Alert my muse will you? As of this posting, I'm committing myself to sit down at my computer each morning for the next week or so, sip my coffee, and post something. Something worthwhile, I hope.

No, make that:
As in:
Write damn it, Write.