I don't know about you, but when a significant event occurs in my life, its anniversary can be equally significant. Doesn't matter if it's meeting Mister Right, the first days of a new job, the extrication of my gall bladder or the birth of my children. With an eerie precision, the feelings and memories of that time gently waft their way into my conscience as the memorable, or in some cases not so memorable, date approaches.
I always make it a point to embrace these ethereal feelings because they remind me, ever-so-vaguely of who I was and who I've become in the time that's passed. My strengths and weaknesses are magnified and my intentions come into full bloom once again. It's good for the chakras I tell you, good for the chakras.
What, you must be wondering, has got me all gushy-in-the-blog this time?
It's my blog anniversary! Happy Anniversary bon blog!
True to form, I've been preoccupied this past week with the joy I felt a year ago today,
when with the help of a friend, I established my own little piece of web-estate. In the weeks that followed I suffered with a kind of joy that I can only compare to falling in love and that resulted in many sleepless nights and more than a few manic bouts of extreme energy. The rush I got writing and putting a up post had become intoxicating; not to mention a bit addicting. There were days at work when I'd sneak to the computer every couple of hours to check on my blog; no small feat considering I was teaching in a classroom without a computer and the nearest "fix" was a public-domain gig located two flights of stairs away from my classroom.
Although my contributions to the bon blog have been less frequent than those first few months, I don't want you Dear Reader, to think I'm all done with this writing thing. I still experience the same lovely little rush every time I put up a post. Writing is still the thing I'd most like to do when I have a few minutes to myself. And, if I were to post a list of all the things I'd still like to write about, I'd have to create another blog just to hold all my "first lines."
And if you're wondering: Yes Dear Reader, I am still a comment whore.
Happy Anniversary, indeed! I am glad to read that you're still going to be writing. I was just starting to give up on you...I guess I'll keep stopping by....:)
Oh never give up on me! I'm just unpredictable, that's all!
Thanks for stopping by - and- thanks for your comment!!
my pleasure....:)
i can't believe it's been a year already. it seems like just a couple weeks ago you were painting the walls, bringing in furniture, and putting in hardwoods.
i see you've gotten rid of the palm fronds. probably a good call. they're great at first, but later they're a fire risk.
looking forward to more...!
Kel, you are too kind.
Thanks for stopping by - and-
Well space, I couldn't agree with you more regarding the palms, those
fronds were such a mess! Every time I put one foot into this place I'd find brown, dried up old palm fronds all over the place.
I planning a total remodel ...
keep you eye on the blog, keep your eye on the blog ..
By the way, thanks for stopping by - and- THANKS FOR THE COMMENT!
hold on...something's different. did you get a haircut? mmm, no, that's not it...new furniture?
tsk, no...
you painted the room! nice! and i like the window treatments. you paid extra for those, i bet...
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