Ichiro Ponders Free Agency and a New Team
Who can blame him?
The hottie in center field cites more than money as the reason he's considering free agency.
What a concept. Ichi just wants to have fun doing what he considers his "hobby." Odd as it may seem, his definition of fun includes winning games and fan enthusiasm.
Remember 2001? Seattle was a baseball town that year. That's what #51 is looking for in a team.
Note to Bavasi: I'll get the fans, you get the wins. Uh... you should know, your end of the deal would probably require you to sign someone who isn't a has-been and who has some decent, RECENT stats to back up that handsome picture on the back of his baseball card.
Note to Suzuki-san: If baseball is your "hobby," what exactly, is your vocation?
Your passion and loyalty for your home team would make Grandpa proud....it makes me happy..:)
I have him to thank for my love of baseball and especially the M's.
We logged a fair number of hours up in the 300-level (just above home plate) of the Kingdome.
That was back in the day when .500 ball was a long, lomg reach for Griffey and his buddies.
That's a whole 'nother post: Great Former Mariners; I don't know if the blogosphere can hold all the names ... ;)
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