Crash Davis was definitely my kind of guy - hot and smart.
The M's hottie in center field has something in common with Crash. Turns out he more than fulfills the requirements to be placed on the Bon's Registry of Hunks .
Yep, that's right, not only is Ichi a hottie, he's a smartie too! Not to mention his mad skills on the ball field. But during those dry months between October and March, my "back-up plan" keeps himself pretty busy.
Check out his off season hobby back in old Nihon. I always hoped he had more than baseball drills going on inside that cute little head of his.
Out of curiousity, who else is on that list of hotties?
Hmmm... no one has ever asked to see the actual Registry.
Stay tuned, I might just post it here. Someday.
Rest assured, Mr. Bon aka: Jimmy Jones, is at the top o' de list, mon.
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