Friday, May 7, 2010


Good News.
Lead doc called today and here is what she had to say:

Bone Scan: Clear!
PET/CT: Clear!
Left Breast MRI : Just the mass we knew existed.
Right Breast MRI-guided needle biopsy: Clear!

A huge sigh of relief throughout the land of Bon. Whooshhh.

Says I: "So we can call it Early Stage Breast Cancer?"
Says Her: "Yes - early stage breast cancer."
Says I: " I can totally beat a stage 1 or 2"
Says Her: "Yes you can."

Score one for the Bon's!!!!

Despite this wonderful news, the treatment plan will still be aggressive due to the fact that this is my second bout with cancer and the fact that they radiated the heck out of me last time (which is unquestionably the reason I have breast cancer now - but we won't dwell on that).

Mr B. and I meet next Thursday with the Doc for a pre-op consultation and to firm up the plans for treatment.

Until then, I'm going to live like I don't have cancer and fill my world with joy and beauty, laughter and love, and of course, good food and good wine.

I hope you will do the same.



R & R said...

Atta girl- just like we discussed. Stick to the plan. You can do this. We're all here on your team!

Bon said...

Yes ma'am!

So, so glad to have such a fantastic team.

Thanks - many,many thanks.


kan said...

such good news! :)kelly

Scott said...

This is great news Bon. Glad to hear it...