Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Sorry is the color pink
when you are embarrassed.

Sorry is the feeling you get
when you hurt someone.

Sorry is the taste
of salty tears.

Sorry is the feeling
that you messed up.

Sorry is sadness
and begging for forgiveness.

Sorry is like depression,
only for that moment.

Sorry is when you feel like silk
and are easily hurt.

Sorry is the warm you feel
when you have made up.

The last one is what I'm asking for.

What is sorry without these things?

~ the eldest bonlet
june, 2006
age 13, at the time.


R & R said...

oh how i adore him....

Bon said...

yep, me too.

Michael C. Miller said...

this is the kind of thing that should be nurtured, cultivated and savored, so there's more in the future.


Bon said...

ah that's the trick ... to nuture,
not to pressure.

did i mention that this poem was the result of a "punishment?"

he was told to got to his room and write me a letter of explanation and apology...

i found it hard to play the monster mama after reading his poem. with tears running down my cheeks were a dead give-away.