Monday, June 9, 2008

Ninth of June, Two Thousand Eight

on a rainy afternoon
in Seattle,

When the clouds
hang so low
I almost bump my head,
and I feel so hollow
and empty inside,

All I want
is to be held
by you.


Bon said...

What can I say? Day after day of rain in the month of June (and May for that matter) makes me blue.

When I was driving home along the top deck of the viaduct last night,
looking out at the gray Puget Sound and the even grayer sky,
the only comfort from the gloom seemed to be the arms of Mr. Bon.

Out of nowhere, as they often do, this poem popped into my head. Hope it doesn't belong to someone else.

Michael C. Miller said...

mrs. 'needl and i were contemplating this very subject last night (the weather, that is, not you canoodling with mr. bon).

she told me it's what we signed up for when we moved back to the PNW, and i'm not allowed to complain.

she went on to complain about feeling economically stressed out and insecure.

i told her it's what we signed up for when we decided to have children, and she's not allowed to complain.

tit for tat, if you'll pardon my francois...