Judging by the title, you might be expecting a post about time slipping through my fingers - you know, like the proverbial sand in the proverbial hour glass? Or, you could think I'm about to go off on the fact that, already (gasp) the leaves are beginning to turn and yes (bigger gasp), my precious children are getting older.
All true, but actually, this is a post about the quest for a cup of coffee.
A simple cup of coffee with a friend.
Two friends really. No, make that three.
Ah geez, probably more - but I'm losing track ... because I don't have enough time!!
Tick Tock. Tick Tock.
The clock keeps ticking and I keep moving.
I get to work every day.
I get the kids to school.
And soccer. And gymnastics.
I get the laundry done (if you're not picky about the folding part).
I attend the soccer meetings and the Open Houses.
Everybody comes home to a delicious, home-cooked dinner most every night.
And by night, I mean night.
We are not a 6:30 supper family.
At The House of Bon , it's Dinner at Eight for us.
We watch movies together.
We play cards and work jigsaw puzzles.
We did the Puyallup. We saw the new Indiana Jones movie.
We grow vegies and Dahlias.
Yet somehow, I just can't wedge in a cup of coffee with my pals.
They're busy too.
Lives are unfolding with drama and joys.
And I watch from afar, as it all passes by.
Tick Tock. Tick Tock.
Sounds to me like you've got the good stuff at your house...good memories and the gift of time.....I hope everyone at the Land o' Bon realizes how lucky they are....
Well, actually. That is the whole point. We're so dad gum busy we don't seem to have time to stop and smell roses.
When I'm at the end of my life, looking back on these times - will I be satisfied by how it all played out? Am I making the right choices? Do I. have my priorites. in line?
the takeaway seems to be that there's precious little time for the stuff at home, let alone for the social/community interactions.
the home front is important, but without the external interaction, there's no community, no interconnectedness, no shared values or experiences tying us all together.
that's what i hear many of us lacking.
we should start a movement ...
More emphasis on family and friends, less on work.
MEOFAFLOW, for short.
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