Monday, February 20, 2006

Things That Make Me Laugh

... Kids
Linkletter was right, they do say the darndest things. One of the 4 -year- olds in our class told us a story today. It started out, "One day, when I was riding a chicken." But Henry who is a bit wiser having lived a year longer than Sally, could top that. He interrupted with the story about the guard tarantula that sits in front of his family's house, stretching his arms as far as a 5-year- old can, to demonstrate its enormity.

... Olympic Ice Dancing
While I recognize the skill involved here, those gaudy costumes, the farcical twizzles, and the impossible lifts are all just too comical to be considered sport.

... The Tink, Tink, Tink Sound I Hear When I Tap My Finger Against My Head
What the hell is in there? I can only laugh at my inability to grasp the nuances of the English vocabulary ... let alone the spelling of the damn thing. Today was a bit rough. I got a heaping dose of humility and at the same time learned the difference between complement and compliment. I'm still not sure my shiny little brain absorbed any of the lessons, but I do think it's safe to say that I owe my readers a compliment for their patience with my blog.

And gee, don't you think the lime green and periwinkle fonts complement the black wall paper splendidly?

1 comment:

spaceneedl said...

your blog complements your readers quite nicely.

as do the green and periwinkle fonts.